
INTERCEPT’s results presented at final event in Brussels

INTERCEPT’s results presented at final event in Brussels

INTERCEPT’s results presented at final event in Brussels INTERCEPT aimed at outreaching 300 young people who were not in education / training / employment (NEETs) aged 25-29, with the aim of  upskilling and motivating them through a 12-week internship (Green Career Pathway) featuring a 25-hour common course on the green economy and a green job […]

The combination of practical and theoretical approach of the Intercept Project has helped many NEET’s secure work placements in Lithuania

The combination of practical and theoretical approach of the Intercept Project has helped many NEET’s secure work placements in Lithuania

The Intercept Pilot Project in Lithuania has demonstrated remarkable success through its proactive approach, continually evolving and adapting its strategies in response to emerging obstacles and opportunities.

NEETs entering the green economy: benefits and challenges of the Intercept Project in Italy

NEETs entering the green economy: benefits and challenges of the Intercept Project in Italy

The initial target of the Italian pilot project were NEETs aged 25-29 living in the Tuscany provinces of Siena and Grosseto, areas that were deemed to be in particular need of support.

Date of fifth and final annual thematic seminar for projects announced: 3-4 October 2023 – Warsaw

Date of fifth and final annual thematic seminar for projects announced: 3-4 October 2023 – Warsaw

The Financial Mechanism Office and the Fund Operator team have announced the dates for the fifth and final annual thematic seminar for projects: : 3-4 October 2023 at Mercure Warsaw Centre.

Echoes of Tomorrow Youth Stories Unveiling Voices for the Future

Echoes of Tomorrow Youth Stories Unveiling Voices for the Future

Project Intercept is happy to share an opportunity made available to young people who want to be talk about the challenges they encounter, read below for more information. “Are you looking for a free space where to un-silence your voice? The Regional Funds Online Magazine could be your place. If you are a Youth, if […]

Motivating mobilizing supporting NEETs green career pathway.
Call: Unlocking Youth Potential
Project No. 2020-1-0033
Lead partner: Jobsplus
Duration: 29 months



INTERCEPT benefits from a € 2.18M grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.