Greening the employment market

The green economy is increasingly considered  a key contributor to the creation of new ‘green’ jobs, especially in the post COVID-19 scenario.

both the OECD and ILO (International Labour Organization), believe that the “green transition” will provide a net increase in the overall number of jobs more than compensating the lost jobs in the “brown” sectors.  However  ILO stresses that low-skilled workers will be the most negatively affected by the green shift so it is imperative to factor green skills into the overall development programs. This is confirmed by a 2022 national study commissioned by Jobplus about green jobs in Malta that concluded, among other things, that the provision of training was seen as being the most important facilitator for green jobs.

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Motivating mobilizing supporting NEETs green career pathway.
Call: Unlocking Youth Potential
Project No. 2020-1-0033
Lead partner: Jobsplus
Duration: 29 months


INTERCEPT benefits from a € 2.18M grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.