Report on NEETs and relevant ALMP practices

Research institutes and Intercept project’s partners have developed a report based on the study about the target population and relevant ALMP (Active labour market policy) practices. The objectives of this study focus on the characteristics, needs, challenges, and practices of 25-29 year old NEETs’ and how they can be successfully integrated in the labour market - specifically, in the Green Jobs sector, i.e.  any job that contributes to preserving, restoring and enhancing environmental quality.

The project’s focus on NEETs (people who are not in employment, education or training) is motivated by the fact that they are more likely to be exposed to poverty and vulnerability and they are, therefore, more affected by the economic crises.

In Europe, the highest rate of 25-29 year old NEETs  is observed in Greece (31.1%), Italy (29.9%) and Bulgaria (26.3%), whereas the lowest rate is in Sweden (8.7%), the Netherlands (9.2%) and Luxembourg (9.7%)

Click on the bottom below to find the whole study and analyses

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Motivating mobilizing supporting NEETs green career pathway.
Call: Unlocking Youth Potential
Project No. 2020-1-0033
Lead partner: Jobsplus
Duration: 29 months


INTERCEPT benefits from a € 2.18M grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.