INTERCEPT project presented at Regional Funds Annual Seminar

The 2022 edition of the Regional Funds Annual Seminar opened with the speech of the FMO Nora Mehsen (Sector Officer, Funds and Horizontal Concerns Unit), who pointed out all the challenges the EU has been facing, from Covid pandemic to the war in Ukraine. She highlighted how the projects financed by the EU played and are still playing a relevant role in facing these challenges that affected all of us, and especially young people.

After her speech, the Fund Director, Gian Luca Bombarda, and the Policy expert on lifelong learning, employment and inclusion, Grethe Haugøy, remarked the importance of the projects financed under the Fund for youth employment and the Fund for regional cooperation.

These projects, in fact, are extremely important in helping young citizens enter the labour market with innovative solutions, and in facilitating the knowledge and good practices sharing between countries.

During the first panel of the seminar, “Youth opportunities for engagement towards sustainable future”, Indrė Laučienė, Head of International Relations Division at Lithuanian Public Employment Service, presented the INTERCEPT project.

During her presentation, Indré talked about the importance of adapting the labour market to climate change, explaining one of the main goals of the project, and the necessity for spreading green skills among employees, trainees and employers. Moreover, she highlighted that it is very important and innovative to jointly face two of the major challenges of our times, unemployability and climate change.

She concluded hoping that the good practices emerged from the pilots would be shared in Europe, allowing for the adoption of more innovative and sustainable practices in youth employability.

The panel continued with other interesting and relevant presentations on projects related to sustainability and youth engagement.

The seminar hosted other notable panels, like “NEETs and young professional: challenges of the labour market” and “Presentation of youth agenda”, in which youth representatives presented the agenda developed by the young participants.

Even if the young workforce appears to be more passionate, innovative and analytical than ever, it’s crucial to remember that part of it is still represented by NEETs who are at risk of social exclusion, who must therefore be motivated and actively engaged to be enabled to unleash their professional potential in the green economy.

> Download the agenda

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Motivating mobilizing supporting NEETs green career pathway.
Call: Unlocking Youth Potential
Project No. 2020-1-0033
Lead partner: Jobsplus
Duration: 29 months


INTERCEPT benefits from a € 2.18M grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.